Period. (264 and 0g of sugar, silk, the artist’s menstrual cycle, hysteria)
Throughout my research surrounding mental illness, I found that many doctors were finding quitting sugar as a cure for anxiety. So, I decided to see if this theory was true, and I quit it for a month. All sugar: fruits, dairy, pasta, bread, processed foods, etc.
Through video, photography, and mapping, I documented the entire experience and watched as my body changed. The most extreme changes happened to the physical aspects of my body: My skin cleared, I lost eight pounds, but what I was most intrigued by was how it affected my menstrual cycle.
Period. is a body of work produced from this experiment. Whilst there were zero grams of sugar in my body, I photographed the results of my menstrual cycle on a pad; every day for seven days. Once the sugarless month was over and I was back to my unhealthy habit of sneaking sweets into my body, I photographed the results again; my menstrual cycle on a pad, every day for seven days.
A menstrual cycle has been considered a periodic illness, but not only that, mental illness was originally considered a ‘women’s disease’ caused by ‘hysteria’ (i.e., originating in the uterus).
The use of silk contrasts with the menstrual cycle. It pays homage to all women before me who were perceived as delicate but were hiding their strength. Silk is a seemingly weightless fabric. It is considered a luxurious material, used only for the finest of things. The silk was chosen as it is the complete opposite of a menstrual pad and tampon. It is non-absorbent and it is something that is not thrown out very often. It is delicate and thin; everything the patriarchal and capitalist society says a woman should be.